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A good night sleep starts here
Approximately 13-33% of the Australian population suffers from Insomnia, where there is either difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep or early morning wakening. It can often start after a stressful situation or life event, but then persists are the stressful event has passed.
Insomnia can have long term health consequences if not appropriately treated, and it can significantly impact on your quality of life.
During your consultation with Dr Zheng, he will take a comprehensive sleep history and discuss a treatment plan that will help improve the quality of your sleep.
For further information, please click
Delayed sleep phase disorder (DSPD)
Usually occurs in adolescence and young adults. It is associated with delayed sleep onset and late wake-up times. Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) occurs when someone with DSPD has to wake up earlier than their desired wake up time. Use of light-emitting devices (e.g. mobile phones) while in bed and on wakening at night, can disrupt the sleep pattern and worsen DSPD. Further information on this condition can be found here.
Advanced sleep phase disorder (ASPS)
ASPS usually occurs in older adults. It is associated with a feeling of the need to sleep earlier. However, no other issues are falling asleep. People with ASPS usually do not present for assistance as there is often less stigma and problems associated with it. For further information on this disorder, please click here.
Other sleep disorders Dr Zheng treats includes Narcolepsy, Restless leg syndrome, Sleep hypoventilation, Bruxism (teeth grinding) and Rapid Eye Movement sleep behaviour disorders.
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) falls under the category of Sleep-related breathing disorders. It is common in the community. OSA most commonly impacts on middle-aged or older men and postmenopausal women. However, it can also occur in younger adults who are either obese or have a craniofacial/other anatomical factors that can narrow the airway.
Symptoms can include snoring, apnoeas (short periods where you stop breathing in your sleep) noticed by a bed partner, choking or gasping arousals from sleep, frequent awakenings and waking feeling unrefreshed. If you feel you have these symptoms, talk to your GP to discuss assessment and need for a sleep study.
If needed, a sleep study can be arranged for you at home or a sleep centre.
There are different management options, including CPAP that is worn overnight, weight loss and oral appliances.
You can read more about OSA by clicking here.
Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome (OHS) is a condition that can affect those who are morbidly obese. It affects the ability to take a deep enough or rapid enough breath, leading to low oxygen and high carbon dioxide levels. OHS is often also associated with OSA.
OHS can be treated with intensive weight loss, which may involve bariatric surgery. A weight loss of 25-30% is usually required to achieve symptom relief.
It is also treated with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP).
Dr Zheng has a particular interest in Obesity Hypoventilation Disorder and is currently doing further research in this field at the Woolcock Sleep Institute.